Title: Reckless Devotion
Author: Jennifer Domenico
Genre: BDSM, Erotica
Cover Designer: Wicked by Design
Editor: Mad Hatter Press
He’s a dom, she’s not even a little submissive. It shouldn’t work, but they can’t walk away from each other.
He’s a dom, she’s not even a little submissive. It shouldn’t work, but they can’t walk away from each other.
Boundaries will be crossed, trust shattered, secrets revealed. Both need to give up control. Both need to find middle ground.
When it’s easier to walk away, there’s only thing strong enough to bind them together.
Reckless devotion.
ummmm....where to start, Reckless Devotion was freaking hot! Gabriel kinda comes off as an ass but we start to see another side of him. Mia is very independent and not at all what Gabriel is used to in a woman but so far he is loving what she brings to the table...err bed? I have only read one other book by Jennifer Domenico and it was a lighter read than Reckless Devotion, which is BDSM and OMG this woman left me hanging wanting more. I ran out of words and need more words now!!! Reckless Devotion will having you turning each page, wanting more of Gabriel and Mia and still begging for more. Waiting, not so patiently for book two, I need more hotness that is Gabriel and Mia!!

When she awoke, she felt compelled to write it down. So she did. The result was her first novel, Turn Towards the Sun and a writing career was born.
Ms. Domenico lives in Scottsdale, Arizona with her very Italian husband, a dog that adores her, two cats that tolerate her, and a wicked sweet tooth.
Author Links:
Pinterest: pinterest.com/jendomenico
Instagram: jendomenicowords
Other books by Jennifer Domenico:
The Sunflower Trilogy -
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