Author Services

Promotional Prices are as follows:

a la carte
min 25 postings for a 1 day blitz - $45
min  10 postings per day for 3 day blitz $75
Newsletter Swap (One Title) $45
ARC Review Form (unlimited amount of reviews depending on sign ups) $45
Digital Ebook Formatting - $35
Audio Proofreading - $18 per finished hour

**Postings can be from a blog or social media page such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or other social media platforms. 

Release Day Package - $160
1 Day Release Blitz
Newsletter Swap
ARC Form
Booksprout ARCs
FB Group share in 30 FB groups

Cover or Trailer Reveal Package $65
1 Day Cover Reveal
FB Group share in 30 FB Groups

Pre-Order Package - $160
1 Day Pre-Order Blitz
Newsletter Swap
Early ARC Reviews
FB Group share in 30 FB Groups

Title Reveal Package $75
1 Day Title Reveal
Postcard or Sticker Reveal form
FB Share in 30 FB Groups

Full time PA/PR Services $250 a month
What's included in this fee?!
Details at the link below


By enlisting Lady Amber's Reviews & PR, authors understand that they are paying for the digital promotion of product. This consists of tours, releases, and reveals, to name a few and subject to change. Lady Amber's Reviews & PR does not promote the exchange of money for reviews, nor will I take responsibility for a blogger's lack of cooperation in submitting their post, be it review or other. Authors understand that I will work to the best of my abilities to support and promote their projects, but should an issue arise, contact me first and directly. Authors also understand that refunds will only be taken under consideration should my lack of dedication to the project been proven and in writing within 30 days.

Bloggers are invited to join LAR's blogger group or fill out the form to receive email invites for tours and events.

Blogger Group: 

Tour Host Sign Ups: 



  1. thanks for this information i really want this street teams

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I''m interested in a book blitz but I can't find an email address. If you could contact me at dawaraver@gmaildotcom that would be great.

  4. I would like to sign up to be a tour host but I can't find out how to or to sign up to participate in a tour.

    My email is and my blog is

    StarAngels' Reviews

    Thank you!

  5. I would like to sign up to be a tour host but I can't find out how to or to sign up to participate in a tour.

    My email is

    Thank you!


  6. We would also like to sign up as a tour host. Our website is and our face book is Our email is

  7. I would like to participate in some of your tours, but I don't see anywhere to sign up at?

  8. I would like to participate in your tours, do you have a sign up form?
    New follower :)
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  9. Thank you so much for helping My Mechanical Angel get out in the world! Love your services!


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