Title: The Sinister Silhouette
Author: Alex Grayson
Genre: Romance
Cover Designer: Cover Me, Darling
Photographer: JW Photography
She whispers my name at night, filling my dreams with her haunting beauty.
Her tormented amber eyes beg me for something I don’t understand, and her agonizing pain becomes my own.
For years, she’s come to me, calling my name.
For years, I’ve never known who she was.
Until now…

Originally a southern girl, Alex now lives in Ohio with her husband, two children, two cats and dog. She loves the color blue, homemade lasagna, casually browsing real estate, and interacting with her readers. Visit her website, www.alexgraysonbooks.com, or find her on social media!
The bright light from the sun through my closed eyes dims, and I slowly open them. They widen when I see something hovering over me. Not something, but someone. A woman. A woman with brunette hair that floats around her. Her eyes, the color of bright amber, stare at me dolefully.
She’s about five feet above me, her body longways to match my horizontal position. She seems to be in a spectral form. She’s in front of me but not fully there. Her white sleeveless dress drifts around her legs.
She’s pretty. No, not pretty. Devastatingly gorgeous.
Not understanding why I do it, I lazily smile up at her. She smiles back, but it fades seconds later, and her eyes take on a dead look. The first sharp stab pierces my chest, and I suck in a breath at the sudden pain.
“Where are you, Luca?” the woman whispers, her lips barely moving. “I’m waiting for you.”
Her hand reaching toward me and the desperate pleading in her eyes paralyze me. I want to reach out and grasp her, to pull her to me and demand she tell me what’s wrong, but for some reason I can’t. I’m frozen; the only part of my body moving is my chest as I breathe heavily.
What in the ever-lovin’ hell?
“Tell me your name,” I force out through gritted teeth. Even moving my lips is strenuous, but something tells me I need to know her name.
Instead of answering me, her arm goes back to her side. Tears glisten in her eyes and her expression turns sad once again.
A second stinging pain lances my chest, and I flinch.
“I need you. Please, please, help me.”
“I don’t understand.” The growled words rumble from my tight throat. “How do I help you?”
She stays silent as she looks at me with her solemn golden eyes.
All I can do is lie there and look at her as she gets closer and closer. Her wraithlike appearance allows me to see the trees above us through her body, but as she draws nearer, her features become more clear. She has a small scattering of freckles across her cheeks. She also has the beginning of small indents in her cheeks that suggests dimples if she were to smile.
My body tenses even further when she doesn’t stop and keeps floating toward me. Her eyes don’t change, and she doesn’t try to touch me. She’s only inches from me now, and my chest tightens the closer she gets.
Painful breath rushes from my lungs when all of a sudden her eyes close and an agonizing scream escapes her lips. Not a second later, she bursts into a thousand tiny flashes of bright light, her scream still echoing around me. The small fragments fall, and it’s like some magnetic force inside me is drawing them into my body. Each piece that penetrates is more excruciating than the last…
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